Monsoon Green Lightroom Mobile Preset – As you all know that as soon as the summer season ends, the monsoon will arrive. Monsoon means the rainy season. In which it rains, winds blow and you will see that at that time they become very green. In this article, we will provide you such a preset. In which your photo will become exactly like the monsoon. That means the color effect will become exactly like that because if you see any photo at that time, your photos will appear very green. We have created a preset just like that, sorry, select a photo. In which you will get to see such effects.
Monsoon Green Lightroom Mobile Preset
Do you know that if you look at Instagram, different videos keep going viral during monsoon time? If you look at it now, it is still going viral. In which before and after is shown. Meaning one of summer season and the other of monsoon, so if you want something like this, you too can create a photo. In which the effect is like that. If you have an old photo and there is still time for the monsoon to arrive. For that, you can use this preset of ours. So that your effect will be exactly like that. Your editing will also be exactly like that, so if you want to do it at this time, then let us tell you. In this article, we have explained in detail, you should understand all the things.
How To Use Rain Effect In Your Photo
Look, check one thing here, you might get confused as you will see that there is a rain effect in the preset. Rain means it is raining there, but it is not raining in your photo, so how can you add it? You can use any PNG for applying this effect. You go and search rain PNG on Google, you will get a lot of such PNGs there which you can apply on your photo. After that, when you apply the preset, then open this PNG in any editing application and apply it over it. Like I have also applied it, I have applied this effect just to show that you can have a photo like this in the rain.

How To Use Monsoon Green Lightroom Mobile Preset
Look, you don’t need to do much to do this photo editing. You just have to use your preset here, which I have provided you. You have to add it in the Lightroom application, go there and add it there. There you will get many options. In that you have to click on the three dots. Where you get the option for coffee settings. As soon as you click there, the sorry preset in your photo, its settings get copied. After copying, you have to go to your photo. If you apply this effect, then your photo will get a green color monsoon effect. This will make your editing look very cool and it will be fun to watch as well.
How To Download Monsoon Green Lightroom Mobile Preset
To download the reset, you are given a button just below the image. You have to click on it. As soon as you click on it, it will take you directly to the download page, which will be of Google Drive. This is the link of Google Drive. I am giving it because it is very easy. To download it, many people tell you not to take any other link.