Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset

Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset | Iphone lightroom presets

Lightroom presets

Friends, see some people like light color and some people like bright color. Vivid means dark colors with lots of color and lots of highlights. So understand that some people like to eat vegetarian, some people like non-vegetarian. In this way, if you also understand that you like light colors, then in today’s article, I have brought Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset for you. You can download this Lightroom preset in one click. One is the iPhone’s copy preset. I have made this in my mobile phone so that you too can do this type of photo editing. I can do that easily so that it is easy for you, so I bring all the things for you.

Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset

As you use the preset, you get to see a cool color, which will be a light aesthetic color, and this is an iPhone preset, which I have created inspired by the iPhone, so that you can also edit your photo of that type. I can and I can do that easily. What you have to do to use it without any problem. Read the below paragraphs and you will know there.

Lightroom preset tool

You might not know this in the Lightroom application. I tell you If you want to save the photo you edit in the preset, then how will you do it, then an option comes to save it. The profile over there is fine. It contains all your presets. Whatever you create preset or you get it in preset option only. Now I will tell you how to create.

If you want to create your own preset, XMPP preset, which can come out in your Lightroom application and cannot be used by anyone else, then what you have to do is simple, whatever you edited the photo. Simple there you have to click on 3dot. Will come there. Create a preset. Simply click on it and then give your name, whatever name you want to give, you can give your name there. After that you have to click on create and the profile option. There or else you will find this preset in the preset option.

Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset
Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset

Use lightroom preset for useless photo to cool color

With Lightroom application, you can edit any useless photo in cool color. Like if you visit our website. From where I keep providing you preset, you can use whatever preset you want, whatever preset you like, download it, after that you paste it on top of whatever your photo is, by copying and then Look what is the most useless photo of yours. She will also start looking good. If you use preset. If you do not use it, then your photo will remain the same.

How to download Iphone aesthetic lightroom preset

Which is Lightroom application. There you have to download it first and add it, so first of all you download it and do it. For download I gave below button. There you have to click, as you click, you will go. You have to see it over there on the download page. Where is the download option? You just have to click on it and your download will start.

   download preset

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