You need 800+ Lightroom Mobile Presets Free to edit premium color photos, such as these colors make your photo look absolutely premium. For example, if you look at any photo. Normally, if you click a photo from a phone, then what happens there is that the quality of your photo remains good. But the colors etc. that come in it are not right, such as your face becomes black and your background becomes dark, so to fix this thing you need impress, so in today’s article I have brought 135 premium presets for you, which will edit your photo in absolutely good colors. I will show you a demo of some presets below, by looking at which you can edit your photo.
800+ Lightroom Mobile Presets
800+ presets which are colour packs, you will see that there will be a whole lot of presets in it. All will be in completely different colours. You will not find any preset of a single colour like you might have seen in different ones. In that you get to see many presets of a single colour. But what has been done in this is that after applying premium colours, some colours etc. of your photo get fixed. Only those colour presets which look good in your photo have been used here. All have been checked separately here. Like I checked in the editing of all that which photo looks good on which preset. Whichever photo looked good here, I have taken out its preset here and placed it in front of you.

How To Use Lightroom Presets
Lightroom application is such that if you add any preset sorry photo in it, then it gets added easily. As you see that normally there are many such applications which only support a special image format. But here Lightroom supports all types of images. If you want, you can directly add it here and then you can also change its format, so if you want to do editing. Here the format is given in dng, then it is preset. All the colors etc.
are given to you unlocked in it, so that you go and apply these colors on your photo from here, which your photo remains locked. If you cannot add all those things to your photo, then what you have to do is that you just have to copy the preset. You have to paste it. What will happen when you paste it, it will be applied to your photo.
lightroom mobile presets bundle
Deepak Creation & Editors Also Provide
You must have heard the names of big creators like Deepak Creations, Alfaaz Editing, etc. They are creators. They provide presets, for example, if you see their presentations, they provide bundled presets together. If you have seen their presets, they are also exactly like ours. They create videos with them. Due to that, their channel has millions of subscribers today. If you also want to do something like this, then you can also use them. You get such presets only on our website. Like we have given you here in a bundle. They also provide the same, so if you watch their videos, you will get the password. You will download only after you get the password. There is nothing like this here, it will be given to you directly.
Download Process
And I have provided you the download link for the presets here. You will find the link of Google Drive in it. The link of Google Drive is quite safe. You will not have any problem with it. This is for everyone, so if you click on it, you will be taken directly to your application. You can download it by going there.